Who is our target market?
We could target students, as they are out for the first time on their own and have to fend for themselves. So designing some cleaning appliances that are brightly coloured can make cleaning seem more fun than a chore, and is also more likely to attract them.
We could target the modern housewife as a twist to the 1950s housewife. The products could then make a home more colourful
We could target businesses, as all businesses have cleaning appliances, and having something 1950s coloured inspired is more likely to make the place look cheerful.
We could either look at cleaning businesses or normal businesses, but a lot of research and thought needs to be put into this to make sure we get the right market.
We need to have a look at how cleaning appliances are advertised and what makes people want to buy a particular product. So ways of presenting the objects is very important and can make or break it in that particular sector of the market.
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