We decided that we all want to write a self evaluation for the project.
When we started this project I didn't think it would work as we were all concentrating on our design manuals or trend books. There were ups and downs and moments were I feel we were all getting a little annoyed with each other. However I am really pleased and hope the rest of the group is at the final outcome of the project. I think within the last week we all really communicated and managed to create a high quality brand and prepared presentation.
It all started with our research on the blogs which I feel we managed to collect a lot of and then starting to create our designs.
For the designs I created the mop and the rubber gloves and love all of our products and feel they are fun and practical. After I created my designs Tiffany helped me by drawing them on illustrator as my skills on the computer are not quite as good as some of the others, however I felt my drawing were easy to follow from.
The last thing we had to do was put all of our boards together and so we were assigned a board to work on and I was to work with Celia on creating the Target Market; which I have got to talk about in the presentation, and the Marketing and Promotion.
I have found the project stressful at times but also really exciting as it is something I have never had to do before and I actually really love our brand and at times we found ourselves getting too excited and actually wanting our products to exsist.
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